The Badass Rebellion: Helping women upgrade from Dead Ass Last to Badass 

We’ve been friends and colleagues for over a decade. Our connection sprouted from a weekly consultation group where we’d talk about everything from our clinical work to our personal lives. In the fall of 2020, the three of us met for brunch (a real treat during the pandemic!), and we realized we'd all been feeling lonely and isolated seeing clients virtually from home. We wanted to do something collaborative and creative. The word “podcast” was tossed in the air, and shortly thereafter, Inspiration from the Couch was born. The podcast has been an absolute blast! We love getting together and sharing stories about what has personally worked for us and our clients to create lives filled to the brim with fun, adventure, connection, and meaning. We’re also not afraid to share our struggles and failures in a humorous and compassionate way.

We had so much fun with the podcast that we’ve now created The Badass Rebellion, a community that encourages women to stop putting themselves Dead Ass Last and reconnect with their Inner Badass. 

Meet Jamie, Lucy, and Avery

Avery Hoenig, PhD

Your Total Badass     Guides

Total Badass


Dr. Avery Hoenig came to Dallas from Jackson, MS in 1996 to attend college at Southern Methodist University. She loved Dallas so much that she stayed for graduate school, receiving a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in 2004. In her private practice, Avery enjoys helping college students, young adults, and adolescents manage life transitions as well as symptoms of anxiety and depression. Avery is also the founder of Resilience Connection, an online training platform that inspires people to meet the challenges they encounter with strength and resilience. Kayaking with her husband and daughter, live music, and weighted blankets are a few of Avery’s favorite things.

Lucy Smith, PhD

Dr. Lucy Smith received a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2008, and she misses the Colorado mountains, especially during the steamy Texas summers. She works in private practice, specializing in the treatment of eating disorders, and she loves working with women who are ready to trade their eating disorders for inner peace and fierce self-confidence. She’s become quite fond of mindfulness and embodied practices (she’s a recovering rigid-aholic and over-controller, so mindfulness and compassion have been life saving!). Lucy has a badass husband, two daughters, two cats, and one French bulldog. She loves the F-word, reading, and days where she has nothing on the calendar. 

Jamie Wilson, PhD

Dr. Jamie Wilson received a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of North Texas (UNT) in 2011. Jamie is a badass who works in private practice, specializing in anxiety, trauma, infertility, and relationship concerns, and as a supervisor who trains future psychologists. Jamie is a Disney fanatic, making several pilgrimages to the theme parks, cruise ships, and affiliated resorts. She loves play and adventure, and she’s the best at slowing down, resting, and savoring. She enjoys lounging in her hot tub with her husband, Robert, and teenage kiddos, Grace and Max, eating stinky cheese, and hanging out with her lovable labradoodle and 3 crazy cats. 


Let's play "Guess Who Said It?"

That’s it! I’m going to Disney!  

"I had to pull over because I saw a baby goat!"

"My dog has a lisp and curses like a sailor."

"Summer is my favorite season."

Get to know us better on our Podcast

Ever wonder what tools and advice psychologists are inspired to use in their own lives? Join Avery, Jamie, and Lucy, three psychologists and moms, as they discuss what they’ve figured out, what they’ve yet to figure out, and what there’s just no figuring out. Through our stories and pearls of wisdom, we hope we can inspire listeners to connect to themselves and others more mindfully, authentically, and powerfully. It’s sure to be fun, and you may learn a little something along the way!

Check out the Podcast

Are you tired of putting yourself Dead Ass Last? 

You’re exhausted, burnt out, and fed up with your never ending to-do list. Quite honestly, you’re over it. We want to give you 5 Permission Slips that will take you from Dead Ass Last to Priority #1 in your life (without the guilt)!