Inspiration From the Couch™

Ever wonder what tools and advice psychologists are inspired to use in their own lives? Join Avery, Jamie, and Lucy, three psychologists and moms, as they discuss what they’ve figured out, what they’ve yet to figure out, and what there’s just no figuring out. Through our stories and pearls of wisdom, we hope we can inspire listeners to connect to themselves and others more mindfully, authentically, and powerfully. It’s sure to be fun, and you may learn a little something along the way!



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The Good Stuff


It’s our 100th episode! We mark the occasion by talking about milestones and taking a walk down memory lane. We discuss the different lessons we’ve learned along the way and relive some of our favorite moments on the podcast. We talk about some of the struggles and disappointments we’ve faced along the way too.  One […]

Love is on our mind as we’re preparing for Valentine’s Day, and today we’re talking about self-love. While we may not be super-fans of the terminology (something about the phrase kind of gives us the ick), but we do actually do love the concept. In this episode, we define “self-love” as loving ourselves unconditionally and […]

Today’s episode is all about delight!  We explore how to be more present to delight, how to choose and feel more delight, and how delight can bring us together. We share some of our favorite, specific delights of the holiday season and what can interfere with being delighted. We also invite our listeners to join […]

Help, I'm Stuck!


Sometimes our minds wander to a dark place. In today’s episode, we talk all about this experience: what we tend to think about, situations or circumstances that might lead to this, how it feels, how we take care of ourselves in such moments, and how we get out of the dark place. We talk about […]

Are you a “good girl”? Or have you felt pressure to be “good”? All three of us definitely answer YES to these questions! Today, we’re talking about what makes a good girl, exploring how this looks both when we’re younger and as we age. We examine the connection to shame and guilt, which keep us […]

Have you ever experienced a wake up call? Even if you’ve never literally received a phone call to wake you up, have you ever had something happen in your life that “woke you up” to a particular situation? In today’s episode, we talk about wake up calls we’ve experienced personally, and we touch on various […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of Wisdom)


When should we be silent? When should we speak up? What happens when we overshare? Today, we’re talking all about communication! We examine when silence is beneficial vs. when it feels oppressive. We touch on how social media affects how people communicate and can add to environmental “noise.” We also talk about the other end […]

We are thrilled to welcome Dr. Ramani Durvasula to the couch today! She is a licensed clinical psychologist and author of several books including It’s Not You: Identifying and Healing from Narcissistic People. We begin this episode with a conversation about how Dr. Ramani defines narcissism as a personality style and what kind of red […]

Jamie, Lucy, and Avery have found self-compassion to be incredibly helpful in their own lives and in the lives of their clients. In this episode, we talk specifically about how we use self-compassion as parents. We’ve found self-compassion to be especially useful in parenting situations where we are feeling judgment for ourselves or our kids, […]

Badass Book Club


Inspiration from the Couch book club returns! Today we are diving into Essentialism by Greg McKeown. The tagline of this book is “the disciplined pursuit of less.” We start by defining both essentialism and nonessentialism, comparing and contrasting these two ways of being. We then explore the core mindset of an essentialist, including choice, discernment, […]

Avery, Lucy, and Jamie return for a book club episode to close out our series on relationships. We delve into a book called Taking Sexy Back by Alexandra Solomon. We start with an overview of the book, then discuss our comfort with this topic and messages we’ve received about sex throughout our lives. We share […]

Today we wrap up our discussion of the book Being of Power by Baron Baptiste. We have spent the last 3 episodes taking a deep dive into 3 specific practices: Be a Yes, Give it up to Get Empty, and Embrace Naked Reality. In today’s episode, we will explore some of the highlights from the remaining 6 […]



In today’s episode we talk about the parts and pieces of ourselves that we’ve lost along the way. Some of these might be aspects of ourselves we’re glad to be rid of (like people pleasing or caring about what other people think), whereas there might be other facets of ourselves (like seeking adventure or having/feeling […]

Dr. Ellen Albertson is a psychologist, registered dietician, board certified health and wellness coach, reiki master, and mindful self-compassion teacher. She’s an author and has over 30 years of experience in the healing field. In today’s episode, Ellen  joins us for a conversation about mental health and how to “rock your midlife.” She shares several […]

In today’s episode, we continue talking about self-abandonment, briefly reviewing the 8 types of self-abandonment (i.e., people-pleasing, not speaking truth, not trusting yourself, over-working/uber-productivity, the quest for self-improvement, checking boxes/collecting gold stars or external validation, numbing out, and getting stuck in your head or ruminating). We talk about how the various types of self-abandonment overlap […]

It's Getting People-y


In this episode, we revisit the topic of adult connection and the importance of adult friendships. We review the mental health benefits of social connection (hint: it’s more important than diet and exercise for longevity!). We talk about the advantage of the friend role as compared to other roles. We also discuss what it takes […]

Today we talk about the ongoing work of truly seeing our kids as individual humans apart and independent of us. We talk about the separation and individuation that typically happens in adolescence AND the process of tending to the parts of ourselves that are separate from our identities as parents. In this episode, we talk […]

Today we’re talking about sandwiches! Being a part of the sandwich generation that is! The sandwich generation refers to middle-aged adults who are simultaneously raising kids and supporting their aging parents. An estimated 11 million caregivers provide unpaid care to an adult while also caring for kids (Pew Research Center 2019 research report). With all […]

Your Badass Bitch HOSTS

Lucy,Jamie & Avery

Jamie, Lucy, and Avery are three women in their 40’s, all with PhDs in Clinical Psychology, and each with over a decade of experience working in private practice. We love getting together and sharing stories about what has personally worked for us and our clients to create lives filled to the brim with fun, adventure, connection, and meaning.

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Are you tired of putting yourself Dead Ass Last? 

You’re exhausted, burnt out, and fed up with your never ending to-do list. Quite honestly, you’re over it. We want to give you 5 Permission Slips that will take you from Dead Ass Last to Priority #1 in your life (without the guilt)!