In this episode, we talk about a variety of strategies that help us to fight fair. We start out by going through our “top ten” list: compromising, apologizing and making amends, acknowledging intent and impact, taking one for the team (without keeping score), accessing support from other sources, going to bed angry, taking responsibility, focusing […]

It's getting people-y, Podcast

February 10, 2022

Episode 43: Fighting Fair

In today’s episode, Avery, Jamie, and Lucy explore the armors of expectations, complaints, and demands that show up in relationships. We discuss what makes these armor and how they impact our relationships. We talk about the importance of both identifying what we want and need, as well as being willing to express this to our […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

February 3, 2022

Episode 42: Dropping Armor

Today, Lucy, Jamie, and Avery talk about three key and interconnected ingredients for healthy, romantic relationships — closeness, connection/emotional intimacy, and friendship. We discuss what it means to be close and connected with your partners, the costs of intimacy, and we give pointers on how to strengthen intimacy and friendship in your romantic relationship. Do […]

It's getting people-y, Podcast

January 27, 2022

Episode 41: Healthy Relationships, Part 2

In this episode, Jamie, Avery, and Lucy begin our podcast series on relationships. We start by reviewing changes in romantic relationships and how they have evolved across the decades, major reasons individuals divorce, and expectations that are placed on romantic partners. We then explore the love “chapters” in long-term relationships — early idealization, fall from […]

It's getting people-y, Podcast

January 20, 2022

Episode 40: Healthy Relationships, Part 1

Today we are talking about service to others: Why do we do it? What gets in the way? We discuss the difference between proactive giving and being “voluntold” to give to a certain cause. We also cover intentional giving, protecting boundaries while giving back, and adopting a mindset of serving. We end our conversation by […]

Podcast, The Good Stuff

January 13, 2022

Episode 39: Being of Service

Light a candle, grab a blanket, and get in your pj’s! In this episode, Jamie, Avery, and Lucy discuss the importance of comfort. We talk about Hygge—the Danish word used to acknowledge a special feeling or moment which involves coziness and comfort. We share what we personally find comforting. We discuss possible downsides to comfort […]

Podcast, The Good Stuff

January 6, 2022

Episode 38: Comfort

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