We believe that “not enoughness” plays a fundamental role in both our suffering and our humanity. In this episode, we take a deep dive into not enoughness, exploring how it shows up in people’s lives, the impact it has, and its ripple effects. We share our own experiences with not enoughness, and we give the […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

August 3, 2023

Episode 84: Not Enoughness

Today we’re talking about sandwiches! Being a part of the sandwich generation that is! The sandwich generation refers to middle-aged adults who are simultaneously raising kids and supporting their aging parents. An estimated 11 million caregivers provide unpaid care to an adult while also caring for kids (Pew Research Center 2019 research report). With all […]

It's getting people-y, Midlife, Podcast

July 20, 2023

Episode 83: Sandwich Burnout

It’s summer time!!! In today’s episode, Jamie, Lucy, and Avery talk about summer vampires – the experiences and expectations that can suck the joy right out of summer. We talk about the trap of overplanning, under planning, and not being intentional about our time. We share our own experiences with decision fatigue, difficulty remaining present, […]

Help, I'm stuck!, Podcast

July 6, 2023

Episode 82: Summer Vampires

We have an amazing episode for you today! We interview Debra Benfield, a registered dietitian and certified eating disorder specialist whose work is focused on pro-aging and body liberation. We talk about the messages women receive about their bodies and their relationships with food, including the influence of an “ageist diet culture” on both how […]

Help, I'm stuck!, Midlife, Podcast

June 22, 2023

Episode 81: Midlife bodies and eating with Debra Benfield

In today’s episode we talk about our experiences of being on the brink of losing our shit. We explore interpersonal dynamics and situations that trigger this reaction. We explore the difference between losing our shit and handling our shit. We discuss our internal experiences, as well as how we show up in the world when […]

It's getting people-y, Podcast

June 5, 2023

Episode 80: How to cope when you’re about to lose your sh*t

In this episode, we’re giving you a sneak peak at our upcoming summer series! Starting in June, we’re holding monthly workshops (in-person and online) to talk about some of our favorite topics related to midlife. Our June Workshop is going to focus on reorienting and rebelling. We’ll talk about what is really happening to our […]

Midlife, Podcast, The Good Stuff

May 25, 2023

Episode 79: Summer Series

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