In today’s episode, Jamie, Avery, and Lucy talk about the concept of “Dialectics,” which is holding two opposite viewpoints that are simultaneously true. This entails leaning heavily into both-and thinking, rather than getting trapped in either-or thinking. We talk through several “dialectical dilemmas,” including:  We also explore some of the factors that make dialectics hard, […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

July 21, 2022

Episode 55: Dialectics

In this episode, Jamie, Lucy, and Avery discuss the Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade. We focus on strategies to manage the emotional distress that this decision has caused for many of us specifically in regard to politically charged conversations, general empathy and concern for others and the future, and the personal […]

Podcast, Uncategorized

July 7, 2022

Episode 54: Roe v Wade

Inspiration from the Couch book club returns! Today we are diving into Essentialism by Greg McKeown. The tagline of this book is “the disciplined pursuit of less.” We start by defining both essentialism and nonessentialism, comparing and contrasting these two ways of being. We then explore the core mindset of an essentialist, including choice, discernment, […]

Badass Book Club, Podcast

June 23, 2022

Episode 53: Essentialism

Waffles and spaghetti are both delicious, but we aren’t talking about food today. We’re talking about personality styles. “Waffles” are more compartmentalized with each task fitting into its own little separate square, and “spaghetti” is a more aerial view of interconnected parts. We touch on problem solving strategies and some communication skills that have been […]

It's getting people-y, Podcast

June 9, 2022

Episode 52: Waffles and Spaghetti

In this episode, Jamie, Avery, and Lucy talk about work. We briefly discuss the impact of The Great Resignation on the world of work, share some of our early work histories and what moved us into the world of psychology, and what a “work identity” is. We then talk about the drawbacks of shaping one’s […]

It's getting people-y, Podcast

May 26, 2022

Episode 51: You are not Your Job

In today’s episode Lucy shares about her biggest current struggle: feeling distracted. She asks Avery and Jamie for guidance on how she can intervene to find more peace and presence. We explore how distraction shows up, both for Lucy specifically and for many of us more generally. We talk about potential culprits for distraction, as […]

Help, I'm stuck!, Podcast

May 12, 2022

Episode 50: Distracted

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