It’s time for the holidays! Join Lucy, Avery, and Jamie as we kick off our holiday series with an episode on how to create an intentional holiday season. We explore common problems and complaints about the holidays, identifying factors that detract from a more peaceful and meaningful experience. We discuss how to be more intentional […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

November 18, 2021

Episode 31: Intentional Holiday Season

Today we wrap up our discussion of the book Being of Power by Baron Baptiste. We have spent the last 3 episodes taking a deep dive into 3 specific practices: Be a Yes, Give it up to Get Empty, and Embrace Naked Reality. In today’s episode, we will explore some of the highlights from the remaining 6 […]

Badass Book Club, Podcast

November 11, 2021

EP 30: Being of Power

In today’s episode we discuss the concept, Embrace Naked Reality, from the book, Being of Power by Baron Baptiste. Embracing naked reality refers to challenging the meaning making that we continuously do. Experiences that we have on a daily basis don’t really have an emotional charge to them — it’s the meaning or the stories that we […]

Badass Book Club, Podcast

November 4, 2021

Episode 29: Embrace Naked Reality

In today’s episode we continue our in-depth dive into the book Being of Power by Baron Baptiste. The book offers 9 practices to ignite an empowered life. Last week we talked about the principle of “Be a Yes,” and today we are focusing on the practice of “Give it Up to Get Empty.” We talk […]

Badass Book Club, Podcast

October 28, 2021

Episode 28: Give it Up to Get Empty

Today’s episode marks the beginning of a four-part series. In this installment, we do a deep dive into one of the topics that we found to be most helpful and relevant in the book Being of Power by Baron Baptiste. Avery, Lucy, and Jamie explore “Being a Yes” or “being confident in your ability to turn difficulty […]

Badass Book Club, Podcast

October 21, 2021

Episode 27: Be a Yes

In this episode, Jamie, Avery, and Lucy continue their discussion on perfectionism, which often stems from the belief that we are not enough or not worthy. We discuss conditional statements for worth that implicate perfectionism and explore all the sneaky ways that perfectionism can appear in our lives including school, work, parenting, intimate relationships, our […]

Help, I'm stuck!, Podcast

October 14, 2021

Episode 26: Perfectionism, Take 2

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