We sometimes forget that one of the most effective things we can do as parents is to simply get out of our kids’ way. In today’s episode we talk about the importance of allowing our kids to face natural consequences. We touch on issues that can make it difficult for us as parents to take […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

March 28, 2024

Episode 102: Preparing for Liftoff: Stepping Back

In today’s episode, we focus on disappointment, a feeling most of us don’t name or talk about enough. We explore what makes disappointment a harder emotion to acknowledge, highlighting the tendency to quickly detour to anger, judgment, shame, or embarrassment. We discuss our own experiences with disappointment. We talk about how disappointment often presents, including […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

March 14, 2024

Episode 101: Disappointment

It’s our 100th episode! We mark the occasion by talking about milestones and taking a walk down memory lane. We discuss the different lessons we’ve learned along the way and relive some of our favorite moments on the podcast. We talk about some of the struggles and disappointments we’ve faced along the way too.  One […]

Podcast, The Good Stuff

February 29, 2024

Episode 100: Milestones

Today, Jamie, Lucy, and Avery discuss the often misunderstood emotion, envy. In short, envy can occur when someone has something or is doing something that you want for yourself! It often involves some sort of social comparison, usually with people who are similar to us in some way. We talk about the difference between envy […]

Help, I'm stuck!, Podcast

February 15, 2024

Episode 99: Envy

Love is on our mind as we’re preparing for Valentine’s Day, and today we’re talking about self-love. While we may not be super-fans of the terminology (something about the phrase kind of gives us the ick), but we do actually do love the concept. In this episode, we define “self-love” as loving ourselves unconditionally and […]

Podcast, The Good Stuff

February 1, 2024

Episode 98: Self Love

Today’s episode was listener inspired! In this podcast, we talk about what it’s like when the trajectory of our lives is out of sync with what we imagined or expected. We see this during transitions and turning points (whether they are expected or unexpected). We discuss some of the major developmental tasks that we undergo […]

Help, I'm stuck!, Podcast

January 18, 2024

Episode 97: Out of sync, out of step, out of sorts

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