In this episode, we discuss resentment-how it feels, what kinds of situations may cause it, and what we can do about it. Resentment is defined as a negative feeling in response to a perception of unfairness or being mistreated. We discuss various negative feelings that come up when we’re experiencing resentment and talk through some […]

Help, I'm stuck!, Podcast

June 6, 2024

Episode 107: Resentment

In this episode, we revisit the topic of adult connection and the importance of adult friendships. We review the mental health benefits of social connection (hint: it’s more important than diet and exercise for longevity!). We talk about the advantage of the friend role as compared to other roles. We also discuss what it takes […]

It's getting people-y, Podcast

May 23, 2024

Episode 106: Adult Friendships

In today’s episode we talk about the parts and pieces of ourselves that we’ve lost along the way. Some of these might be aspects of ourselves we’re glad to be rid of (like people pleasing or caring about what other people think), whereas there might be other facets of ourselves (like seeking adventure or having/feeling […]

Help, I'm stuck!, Midlife, Podcast

May 9, 2024

Episode 105: Lost Pieces (of Yourself)

Perseverance and grit are great to teach our kids but when is it appropriate for them to quit or change directions? In today’s episode, we talk about all of the complicated reasons that we may pressure our kids to stay with things longer than what’s good for their well-being (including our “own stuff” as parents!). […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

April 25, 2024

Episode 104: Preparing for Liftoff: Is your kid a quitter?

Today’s episode is all about fostering financial literacy in our teens and young adults. Many young adults express concern about how they’re going to manage their money once they have to support themselves. They report feeling confused and unprepared. To help prevent such stress later in life, we work backwards to highlight specific tools and […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

April 11, 2024

Episode 103: Preparing for Liftoff: Financial Literacy

We sometimes forget that one of the most effective things we can do as parents is to simply get out of our kids’ way. In today’s episode we talk about the importance of allowing our kids to face natural consequences. We touch on issues that can make it difficult for us as parents to take […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

March 28, 2024

Episode 102: Preparing for Liftoff: Stepping Back

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