It’s the New Year, and resolutions are a hot topic! The concept of “self-discipline” has a tendency to sneak into our conversations about goals and resolutions.  So in today’s episode, we take a deep dive into self-discipline: what it is, our (unpleasant) emotional reaction, how it can be helpful, and where it can lead us […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

January 4, 2024

Episode 96: The Dilemma of Self-Discipline

One of our favorite analogies when it comes to stressful situations is temperature. Conflict can heat things up and everyone can help keep the environment cool and comfortable. In this episode, we talk about what can cause us to come in “hot” to the holiday season and we discuss strategies that can help us keep […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

December 21, 2023

Episode 95: When the holidays get hot

For many of us, the holidays can feel like a whirlwind! When we’re busy with the hustle and bustle, it can be hard to stay centered and tuned in. In today’s episode, we explore what, specifically, about the holidays pulsl us off center and leads us to disconnect from ourselves. In addition, we share some […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

December 7, 2023

Episode 94: Staying grounded during the holiday season

Today’s episode is all about delight!  We explore how to be more present to delight, how to choose and feel more delight, and how delight can bring us together. We share some of our favorite, specific delights of the holiday season and what can interfere with being delighted. We also invite our listeners to join […]

Podcast, The Good Stuff

November 23, 2023

Episode 93: Delights of December

Dr. Ellen Albertson is a psychologist, registered dietician, board certified health and wellness coach, reiki master, and mindful self-compassion teacher. She’s an author and has over 30 years of experience in the healing field. In today’s episode, Ellen  joins us for a conversation about mental health and how to “rock your midlife.” She shares several […]

Midlife, Podcast

November 16, 2023

Episode 92: Rock your Midlife with Ellen Albertson, PhD

Today we talk about 7 ways of thinking – 7 cognitive traps – that increase our suffering and increase the likelihood we’ll abandon ourselves. They are:  We define each of these, exploring how they show up in our lives. We talk about how to shed these ways of thinking when they no longer serve us. […]

Help, I'm stuck!, Podcast

November 9, 2023

Episode 91: Shed what no longer serves you

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