In this episode, we talk about the stories we tell ourselves. In intimate relationships, it can be incredibly helpful to notice the stories that we tell ourselves and share them with our loved ones. Often, we’ll find that our stories are inaccurate and talking about them can improve communication and trust with our partners. We […]

Help, I'm stuck!, Podcast

January 5, 2023

Episode 67: Stories We Tell Ourselves

Today’s episode focuses on people pleasing. We explore what it is, including how it manifests in our own lives and in the lives of our clients. We delineate some of the pros and cons of this behavior (as there are both ups and downs to showing up this way!), as well as the warning signs […]

Help, I'm stuck!, It's getting people-y, Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

December 27, 2022

Episode 66: People Pleasing

The plan was to take a deep dive into “time off,” but as we got to talking, we realized that it’s hard to isolate this aspect of how we spend our time. So we broadened the conversation to the ways we spend our time, with specific focus on time off, time on, time away, time […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

December 8, 2022

Episode 65: Time Off, On, Away, and In

Happy holidays! Today’s episode focuses on various ways we can celebrate.. We explore the what and why of our favorite holiday celebrations. We discuss some of the ways we can celebrate everyday – the big things AND the small things. We also differentiate when celebrating might slip into overindulgence and entitlement. We then talk about […]

Podcast, The Good Stuff

November 24, 2022

Episode 64: Time to Celebrate!

In today’s episode, Jamie, Lucy, and Avery talk about how expectations come up for us in our lives. We notice that expectations can have a negative effect on our daily experiences and can impact special occasions like the holidays. We talk about how expectations can sneak up on us and threaten to “ruin” our experiences. […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

November 10, 2022

Episode 63: Expectations

In today’s episode, Lucy, Jamie, and Avery discuss comfort zones. Comfort zones get some pretty negative press, but great things can happen when we have a comfortable place to land where we can rest and feel secure, confident, and safe. Comfort zones can be, well, comfortable, but they can also become constraining. There are drawbacks […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

October 27, 2022

Episode 62: Comfort Zones

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