It’s time for the holidays! Join Lucy, Avery, and Jamie as we kick off our holiday series with an episode on how to create an intentional holiday season. We explore common problems and complaints about the holidays, identifying factors that detract from a more peaceful and meaningful experience. We discuss how to be more intentional this holiday season, as well as the practice of being curious about what lights us up, what depletes up, and what we want to change to better align with our intentions. We then explore how to increase peace and ease while decreasing exhaustion and dread.
Do try this at home:
- Invitation to start a conversation around what your intentions are for the holidays.
- Write down your intentions for the holiday season.
- If an item on your “to-do” list does not align with your intentions, cross that item off the list!
- Identify your purpose for the holiday season. Identify what you want to keep, add, subtract, or alter, with the goal of tapping into as much peace and ease as possible.