“Do it Afraid” is one of our favorite mantras, and in today’s episode, Jamie, Avery, and Lucy explore what this phrase means and how to put it into practice in our lives.  We talk about ways that we play it safe and ways that we take risks, as well as the pros and cons of […]

Help, I'm stuck!, Podcast

June 3, 2021

Episode 7: Do it Afraid

In today’s episode, Lucy, Jamie, and Avery talk about all things related to validation. We think of validation as a fundamental communication and healing skill, which, in essence, says “I see you.” There is great power in being seen, heard, and understood just as we are. We explore what validation is and what it is […]

Podcast, The Good Stuff

May 27, 2021

Episode 6: Validation

In our first book club episode, Jamie, Avery, and Lucy discuss The Trance of Scarcity by Victoria Castle. We talk about Victoria’s brilliant metaphor of being “in the Circle” (where you live with flow, abundance, vitality, and ease) versus being “out of the Circle” (where life is defined by a sense of not enough-ness, constriction, urgency, separateness, […]

Badass Book Club, Podcast

May 20, 2021

Episode 5: The Trance of Scarcity

Avery, Lucy, and Jamie chat about Wise Mind (aka, “Intuition” or “Knowing”) in the fourth episode. We discuss how to tap into one’s inner wisdom through incorporating emotions, thoughts, and the body, rather than over-relying on external sources to make effective decisions. We share stories of our own struggles connecting with Wise Mind and what […]

Pearls & Nuggets (of wisdom), Podcast

May 13, 2021

Episode 4: Wise Mind

Warning: this episode is coming in hot with a few unexpected F-bombs. Be prepared! Or at least pop in your earbuds if you have small kids loitering or skip to the 52 second mark to avoid altogether! In today’s episode we talk about the importance of play. As adults, it can be hard to connect with […]

Podcast, The Good Stuff

May 6, 2021

Episode 3: Play

Join Jamie, Lucy, and Avery for an episode on The Pandemic Experience, recorded in April of 2021. As we look back over the last year, we reflect on our personal journeys and what we have noticed from a professional standpoint in our work as psychologists. We talk about the strategies that have helped us cope […]

Podcast, Uncategorized

May 3, 2021

Episode 2: The Pandemic Experience

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