In our first book club episode, Jamie, Avery, and Lucy discuss The Trance of Scarcity by Victoria Castle. We talk about Victoria’s brilliant metaphor of being “in the Circle” (where you live with flow, abundance, vitality, and ease) versus being “out of the Circle” (where life is defined by a sense of not enough-ness, constriction, urgency, separateness, and depletion). We explore two ways for getting back in the Circle: trading up our Stories and tuning into our Somas (a fancy phrase for physical bodies). Throughout the episode, we share about our personal experiences to help bring these concepts to life in real and applied ways.
Note: No prior reading/knowledge of this book is required to enjoy and benefit from this episode.
“Your job is not to figure everything out. Your job is to tune in and become available to infinite possibility.” – Victoria Castle, The Trance of Scarcity
In this episode we discuss:
- How it feels and what it’s like to be “in” versus “out” of the Circle
- Common factors that pull us out of the Circle
- Ways to get back into the Circle, including how to catch/trade up our Stories and how to work directly with our Somas
Do try this at home:
- Practice offering yourself compassion ( “Oh Darling” and hands on body)
- Focus on what is, not what is missing
- Notice and work with your body/soma – intentionally loosen and soften any tension/constriction
- Notice and name when you are in or out of the Circle – practice curiosity